Today we are going to tell you, the world’s most dangerous and poisonous spider (Top 10 Venomous Spider In World). You must have seen spiders in your homes, there are about 60000 species of spiders in the world and the danger of these spiders does not depend on their size, both small and large spiders are capable of deadly and painful bites. So take heart and get ready to meet the world’s most dangerous spiders who have created terror in the world-
1. Funnel-web Spider

Funnel web spider is found all over Australia, this spider is the most dangerous spider in the whole world, this spider is more in contact with humans. She is usually very angry. When it comes in contact with humans, it bites them. Funnel web spider is 1 to 2 inches in size and has full black color and black hair all over its body.
If this spider bites someone, then that person can die within 15 minutes. The venom of this spider directly stops the pumping of the human heart and swelling occurs at the bitten area and if not treated on time, the death of the person is certain.
2. The Brazilian Wandering Spider

The Brazilian Wandering spider, also called armed spiders or banana spider. This spider is so poisonous that the name of this spider has been included in the Guinness Book of World Records. This spider is 6 inches long in size, and is brown in color and has a black spot on its abdomen. This spider contains neurotoxin venom, due to which it is considered the most dangerous spider in the world.
3. Redback Spider

Redback spider is found all over Australia, this spider is usually seen more in homes. The redback spider looks like the black widow spider, it is very difficult to differentiate between these two spiders because this spider is also completely black in appearance and this spider also has a red stripe in the abdomen.
The Redback spider is of a very calm nature, but because of this spider being more in contact with humans, for its defense, humans become its prey.
This spider contains neurotoxic venom. If it bites someone, then its poison falls directly on the nervous system of the human and then not visible in the eyes, blister-like symptoms appear at the bitten place. If this spider is bitten, if not treated on time, a person can also die.
4. Black Widow Spider

Black widow spider is found in America, South Europe and Australia. This spider can usually be seen in dry places, such as garages, basements, indoors. The size of the black widow spider ranges from 1 to 1.5 inches, this spider is completely black in appearance and has a red color in its abdomen, these spiders have very dangerous poison inside.
If this spider bites someone, then its venom directly affects the nervous system and there is unbearable pain in the body, if not treated on time, a person can also die.
5. Wolf Spider

There are 125 types of wolf spiders found all over the world, this spider usually prefers to live in the jungles, due to which they do not encounter humans. Wolf spider size can be up to 2 inches long. This spider contains neurotoxic venom, due to which it is considered one of the most dangerous spiders in the world.
6. Yellow Sac Spider

Yellow sac spider is considered to be a species of Europe. This spider can usually be seen under stones, inside roof corners, in yellow sac spider the length of male is 4-5 mm and length of female spider is 6-7 mm. And it is light yellow in color, this spider hunts at night in search of its food, these spiders have deadly poison, if it bites someone, then serious and sensitive symptoms are seen in the person.
7. Brown Widow Spider

The number of brown widow spiders has grown rapidly in the last few years. The growing population of the brown widow spider is most commonly seen in Southern California. This spider often likes to stay in the corners.
The nature of brown widow spider is very angry. It is not their habit to retreat in battle. A significant amount of venom is found in the brown widow spider. It is said that when it is protecting its eggs and at such a time if someone walks near them, it bites them. Research has shown that their bite also causes a lot of pain.
8. Red Widow Spider

The specialty of the Red Widow Spider are its red legs. It is because of this that it is recognized. The Red Widow Spider got its name because of its legs.
In a red widow spider, an adult female can be 1.5 to 2 inches. Whereas males are only about one third the size of females. These species of red widow spider can be seen in central and southern Florida.
9. Camel Spider

The color of this spider is very similar to that of a camel, due to which they are called camel spiders. This spider can be up to 5-4 inches long in size. It is generally not that dangerous spider. But the bite of this spider causes a lot of pain.
10. Mouse Spider

Mouse spiders are stocky burrowing spiders with massive chelicerae. Their eyes are spread around the head, with two small eyes in the center and three on either side. Females have a shiny black colored cephalothorax and legs have a brown abdomen covered with thin sparse hairs. Males vary in different species and are smaller and less robust. Males of some species have bright red heads and chelicerae, and some have blue and brown spots on their belly.
So this was the Top 10 Venomous Spider In World. Hope you find this information interesting and good, then do not forget to share this blog with your friends and relatives. And thank you wholeheartedly for visiting the blog till the end. (Top 10 Venomous Spider In World)
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